
Integration with ReadyTalk Conferencing

You can use ReadyTalk to create online training events for instructor led trainings inside any course session. You must have a ReadyTalk account, if you don't have an account you can signup for ReadyTalk trial.

Steps to use the integration:

Step 1: Add custom attributes in user profile to capture the host specific settings for their ReadyTalk account. To do this, create a new Data source from Site Admin->CMS with name USER_CUSTOM_PROPERTIES.js


{name:"READYTALK_TOLL_FREE_NUMBER", caption:"READYTALK_TOLL_FREE_NUMBER", type: "text", visibleOnProfile:false, adminOrInstructorOnly:true},
{name:"READYTALK_ACCESS_CODE", caption:"READYTALK_ACCESS_CODE", type: "text", visibleOnProfile:false,  adminOrInstructorOnly:true},
{name:"READYTALK_PASSCODE", caption:"READYTALK_PASSCODE", type: "text", visibleOnProfile:false,  adminOrInstructorOnly:true}


Step 2: Open the Accounts and Settings, and add your account specific Toll free number, Access Code and Passcode.

Step 3: Create online class event.

Step 4: Specify the name of the event, start date and duration. Set the accessType as per your need, Free events can be enrolled by choice by the members of course session. By Invite would need you to add the people from course session yourself. And Paid would show up in the catalog and would be available for purchase.

Step 4: After you Save, you would see the ReadyTalk meeting ID

As you start adding the participants for the event, they would be registered in the ReadyTalk too for this event. Each participant's Id can be seen in the Event's subscription tab.

Once the event is setup, it would start showing up in the calendar view of participants. Calendar shows past events in grey, current events in green and future events in blue color.

Starting the Event as Host

At the time the event is in progress, you would be able to start the event from the events Overview page.

Joining the Event as Participant

Participants would see the Join button on Events overview page, as soon as the event is in progress.

As a host, you would be able to view the participants as they join the session

As a participant, you would see a new window which would show the currently shared meeting content

Viewing Event Activities

You can see the event activities about when someone joined the event in Activities tab.

Embedding the event in Course Player

In some situations when you have self paced activities in the course along with instructor led sessions which the users take from course player, you can embed the event right inside course player by creating a wrapper lesson. You can add post session quiz and evaluations normally in the course. Here are the steps to do this:

Step 1: Get the event's embed url from the Event's overview page

Step 2: Create an online edited lesson in the course and paste the embed code in the source view.

Set the lesson's external html property, so that the lesson doesn't get converted to SWF and rather shown as a regular html.

Create as many wrapper lessons you need for specific events in the course. Or just have one lesson and change the embedded html code whenever you have a new event.

You can also add logo for each event by editing the event and opening the Advanced edit view. From here you can upload a logo, and add detailed formatted description via Big Banner placement (just like you have Big Banner placements in the Course and Course Session).

Learner's View of the Lesson with Embedded Event

Learner's would see event's description and date/time until the event starts. Event's logo is shown on the left, and big banner's content is shown in the middle of the lesson's content area. A rotating icon shows until event starts.

When the event is in progress, learner's would see the Ready Talk lobby page within an iframe until the presenter (host) starts the meeting in ready talk.

When the meeting is started by the host, the learner's view would change and the shared content from meeting would be presented in the iframe.

