
Program Session Creation

Once you have created a program, you can schedule its delivery by creating a program session. Program session runs for a specific period, and when you create it, it auto creates course sessions for all the courses in the program. So in other words, a program session contains one or more course sessions in it.

To create the program session, open the Program details page, and click on +Program Session button.

Enter the name, code, description, dates, access type of the session. You can also add max subscription days to limit access to any trainee to fixed number of days. This value would be used in course sessions if max subscription days is not specified for the contained course sessions. Save the details.

You can add more than one program session in the same manner. The Program Details page now starts showing the Program Sessions drop down, and all course sessions for the selected program session. To drill down into program session, select it in the drop down and click on View Details button next to it. You can also click on particular course session to open its details and add members in the course session.



