
Dropbox Integration

By this integration you can now pick your existing files from Dropbox while creating the lesson content. You can upload lessons (word, pdf, powerpoint, swf) audio/video (mp4, mp3 and flv) and scorm packages (.zip). Here is how to use

Uploading multiple (or single) lesson

In course editor, click on any module or topic (folder icons) from the outline. You would see a toolbar like below which will have a new drop box icon. Click on this icon, and select one or more files from the dialog. At present, we have allowed only max of 3 files to be downloaded from dropbox in a single request. Files would get downloaded and you would receive a notification email once its done. If you like to stay on the same screen and wait for lesson to complete you can do so, and upon completion, you would get an alert. You can upload lessons of any kind - word, pdf, presentation, swf, video or audio.


Uploading video/audio for an existing Audio/Video lesson

Select the lesson in the outline view and then click on dropbox icon, then select any audio/video (single) file.


Uploading SCORM

Create a scorm 1.2 or 2004 item, you would see a toolbar like below, click on dropbox icon to select an existing zip file from your account


Feature's Availability

This feature is enabled in personal edition and all business edition microsites (with *.edubrite.com urls). For the microsites with customized url, there is an additional step which has to be performed by the microsite admin before this feature can work in their site.

Here is how you can enable it in micsrosite with custom domain (non edubrite.com)

Step1: Create app by giving any name, and specify the microsite url as allowed domain

Step2: Once you save, on next screen you will get a application identifier (key), copy this key


Step3: Go to microsite and open Site Admin->Site Details->Customization.  Enter a new property with name DROPBOX_APP_ID and set its value to the key you copied from previous step
