Embedding Course in Other websites

To embed the course (or even a test) you can use the embed tag provided for each course or course session. If you just want to embed the test, you can create a course wrapper and add tests in the course and embed the course.

Get the embed tag for the course.

Open the course player by Launching the course (or course session). You can launch the course by directly (mainly courses accessible to all site users) or from a course session (for private courses authorized in specific groups). Scroll to the bottom of the page and expand the Embed panel. There are several tags available to embed the course using different methods. For embedding, you can just use the Iframe or Script tag.

     Important - to embed the course session, always get the embed url by launching the course session. Otherwise url will not contain id of the course session, and your learnes who are enrolled in the course-session would get unauthorized access message



