
Import Confluence content in Courses

Atlassian Confluence provides a great tool for creating your online documentation, and collaboratively edited spaces. If you already have a lot of material created this way, it may be a good idea to re-use that content as your training material, because then you can track the usage and views and add additional content or quizzes. Here is a quick set of steps to accomplish this.


Step1: Export from Confluence

Login as space admin in Confluence, and open Space Tools


Step2Open the Export tool, and export the space as PDF, and download the PDF


Step3: Create a course or edit an existing one, and add a new lesson, upload the PDF as lesson content


Step4Set the show Table of contents property of the lesson


Step5: Done, just view the course in player, and you can see all pages and hierarchy of pages in confluence, in the table of contents pane of the course player. You can click on them to jump to any page in the course.
