
External Content in Lesson

To use external content like embed tags or iframe, you can use the Online Edited lesson and enable External Html property from the lesson's properties tab. Here is an example of how to use external content.

Step1: Create a lesson using option


Step2: In editor tool bar click YouTube icon to embed code.


Step3: Go to your favorite video site, and get the embed tag you want to use. I'm showing ted as an example here


Step4: Copy and paste the above code in the lesson -


Step5: Save once and then open the lesson's properties. Check the External Html option and save.


Thats' it. Now you can view the course by clicking on the Preview button in the toolbar. When you open the newly created lesson, it would show the content like below. It also contains a Close and Continue button.


Note that if you insert HTTP urls (and not https) some browsers may not load the embedded content and you will get a Mixed Content warning. Best is to get HTTPS urls for external content (if the site supports it) or instruct the learners to make necessary setting change in the browser.


Note: This option is not yet available in the EduBrite Mobile app for iPad. Next version of the app (to be launched this fall) will be enhanced to support this.


