
Automatic Free Access Codes

Set the custom property AUTO_USE_COUPON_CODE in Site Details->Customization to use this feature.

If you have situation where you want to make the courses and programs paid for most users (general customers) and free for some (employees and preferred customers), without having to create different sessions for different groups, use the automatic coupon codes. Automatic codes allow you to give free access to selected groups on any course session, program session or everything in microsite.

How the free access codes work:

  • You can create code for certain groups
  • When the learners access course catalog, system checks whether there is any free access code configured for any group where the learner is a member
  • If a valid free access code is found, learner is shown Enroll button in the catalog, otherwise they would be shown Buy button
  • Upon enroll action, code would be used to enroll the user in the session transparently

To create the free access code for multiple groups in a single step, from the coupon codes list page click on Create multiple codes.

Select the groups you want to to create code for and move them to the right by clicking on the > button.

Learner's view (from the group which doesn't have free access code)

Learner's view (from the group which has free access code)
