
Adaptive Testing

Adaptive testing allows to define one or more rules for a test and then associate any such rules with one or more questions which are part of the test. Rules allow the test author to deliver a test to candidates in more than one way and can be precisely tailored to meet specific requirements of the candidate or the business. Rule gets executed at the end of each question attempt based upon if that question has any associated rule or not. Rule execution always lead to some output. That output is then used to pick up the next question that would be delivered to the candidate. An extremely rich set of runtime variables are available to the test authors which they can use to write rules ranging from very simple ones (for ex skipping to question 3 if question 1 has been attempted wrongly) to complex ones. Few of the use cases (much more can be thought of) where rules come handy are

  • Create a question bank and define conditions to pick up random question from the question bank for delivery
  • Randomly selecting questions in each section of the test
  • Branching - Select next question based on the response of the previous question
  • Defining objectives for each question and giving objective values at runtime.

The return from a rule script would be a number. This number would indicate the question number corresponding to the next question that would be delivered to the candidate.






Add Rule

Add a new rule to the test

Remove Rule

Remove the selected rules from the test


Fields / Properties




Indicates that it is a rule based test

From Question

Beginning question number with which this rule is attached

To Question

Ending question number with which this rule is attached

Rule Script

Actual rule script
