
 Linking (importing) lessons/modules from other courses

To reuse lesson content, you can create your courses as shared resource, and then use lessons you created in them in other courses. This gives you a great flexibility of picking and choosing specific lessons from multiple courses, and assemble a new one. Each linked lesson in a course gets tracked separately. 

  • In the course editor, update the course properties to make a course shared resource. Once a course is created as shared resource, its lessons can be linked into other courses. While creating a new lesson, you will now get a new option to link the lesson from other courses.

Lesson Linking

  • While creating a new lesson, select the last option
  •  You can then select a course from drop down and drill down into its modules/topics and select the specifc lesson you want to link to. Only courses visible to you will be available in the drop down. 

Bulk Linking - Import Module/Topic

To perform bulk linking of entire module or topic from another course (recursively), just select a module or topic in the current course in editor, then click on the import module button in the toolbar, and select the module or topic from the source course from which you want to import the content. Note that the source module (or topic) you select from the dialog doesn't get created in the target, rather the content inside the selected module (or topic) gets linked in the currently selected module (or topic) recursively resulting in creation of any non-existing topic(s) at any level. Bulk linking would not only link lessons, but it would also link tests, surveys and scorm items.


How to identify a linked Lesson in editor

Linked lesson would get shown in blue color in the course outline in editor. In the course player, you would not see any different beteen linked or non-linked lessons. Another point to note is status bar in the editor would mention that the lesson is linked, if you select that type of lesson.

How to find the source lesson of the linked lesson?

It may sometime become difficult to remember what was the source course / lesson for a lesson which is linked. You can click on the lesson and open the properties, you would see the source lesson's information there.
