
WebEx Integration

EduBrite's online events can be integrated with WebEx training center. Once you configure your site and your user accounts with appropriate settings, you would be able to seamlessly create events in WebEx right from inside your EduBrite microsite. At the specified time, you will be able to start the WebEx session as well, and the trainees would be able to join the training session. Everything would work seamlessly from the microsite, without having to sign-in separately. Here is how it works.


1) Configure Microsite Site Settings: in your microsite, open the Site Admin->Site Details->Customization tab. You need to specify following additional properties


WEBEX_SITE_NAME=acme (if your webex site is acme.webex.com)

You will also create two custom properties in user profile, by adding following


(Note that custom properties can also be done using more advanced method which allows you to specify type, visibility etc for these attributes).


To setup the custom properties using advanced method, do following

  • Go to Site Admin->CMS
  • Click on Create New Datasource
  • Specify the name of the datasource as USER_CUSTOM_PROPERTIES.js
  • Enter following content in the datasource's content,

{name:"WEBEX_ID", caption:"WEBEX_ID", type: "text", visibleOnProfile:false},
{name:"WEBEX_PASSWORD", caption:"WEBEX_PASSWORD", type: "password", visibleOnProfile:false}

  • Click Save and Publish


2) WebEx username and password:  Each user who is allowed to host a training session, can have their own individual WebEx user id, in your WebEx training center site. Therefore the specific user would need to open their profile settings in EduBrite microsite by going to Accounts->Account & Settings page, and from the Personal tab, enter their WebEx login id and password


3) Create an online event: from the Site Admin->Events or from inside any Group specific Events tab, create an event of type Online Class. After creating, you can notice the WebEx session id getting auto populated in the Event's contact info field. Do not update this field.

Specify the event's start time, duration and password. You can choose between Webex type meeting or training, based on what kind of subscription you have with Webex and your intended use of the event.


For Webex trainings, default options can be configured in your webex site as templates, and you can specify the particular template you want to use while creating the training session.


These templates can be registered in microsite by adding a datasource from SiteAdmin->CMS->Create New Datasource, and create a new one with name Webex_Templates.js. The content of this data source is a JSON array with names of the templates you have configured in the webex training site.

   {id:0, val:""},
   {id:2, val:"Default Settings1"},
   {id:3, val:"Default Settings2"},
   {id:4, val:"Default Settings3"}


4) Start as host: At the specified start time, you will be able to see the Start button, which will launch the WebEx window by automatically signing in you as a host.


5) Join as Trainee: Trainees will see the Join button, and can join the meeting by clicking


you can login to WebEx training center also if you like, outside from the microsite, you would be able to view the training events created from the LMS in the list.


This is the first version of our WebEx integration, in future we are going to make more enhancements.

Events linked to Course Session

Events can be created inside a course session also. To do this, open the course session and click on More->Settings and enable the Event option.

Selling subscription to the WebEx events

Once you create events which are linked to course session, you have option to make them Paid and list them in the catalog. While creating the event, select the access type Paid, and choose a payment method and set the price.

These events will start showing up in the catalog (to enable the catalog go to Site Admin->Site Details->Features and enable Paid Courses feature).

