
Test Objectives

This tab allows to define “Test Objectives” for a specific test. Test Objectives allow to track the learning capabilities of an individual user for defined objectives. Each question can then be assigned one or more objectives (in the Custom Props Tab). Once a candidate appears in a test, the system reports the score against each objective.






Add Objective

Allows attaching objective to the test

Remove Objective

Allows removing objective from the test


Fields / Properties



Name Name of the objective. This objective will be associated with questions in the custom props. Each question can be linked to one or more objectives
Description Description of the objective
Type Three types to select from – Number, Boolean, Strings
Min Value Min. score of the objective
Max Value Max. score can be achieved for a specific objective
Auto Compute Objectives Objectives can be specified for each question as part of an adaptive test. This property allows the computation of the objectives when a test is submitted for evaluation
