
User Management

Every user who is a member of a site has a specific site role. The functions that users can perform is dependent on role assigned to them. One of the following three roles can be assigned to a user:

  1. Administrator  (Performs all the administrative functions and is considered as a super user)
  2. Instructor (Content authoring and acts as an instructor)
  3. Learner

Self Signup

Site can be configured to allow self signup by the users. Self signup feature can be enabled by the admin from Site Admin->Site Details->Security tab. Refer to the Security Category section in Controlling the Behavior through Options for more detail. If self signup is enabled users can click on the Signup link on the login page or from the site header. All accounts created thru self signup process start with role set to Larner. Site administrators can change user's role to any of the three available roles later on.


Bulk User Creation

Administrators can also create new user accounts by using bulk user creation option Site Admin->Create Users.

Specify comma separated values for username, firstname, lastname, email and role. Each row represents a new user. Initial passwords for the users would be "password". Alternatively, you can select other options to either generate or specify the initial passwords:

(a) If random password radio button is selected then the system creates a different random password for every user.

(b) If 6th token button is selected then, define the password in the comma separated values after role for each individual users e.g. if the password is welcome123

jsmith, John, Smith,, student, welcome123

(c) If common password button is selected then all users will get a predefined password by administrator.

This information can then be accessed by the site administrator from the User List page (Site Admin -> Site Users menu).

You can also select option to send a welcome email to the newly created user accounts.

An option is also available to subscribe the newly created users to one or more site groups during the user creation process itself. Select the option "Show Groups to Subscribe" and select the group(s) to subscribe to.


Single User Creation

To create a single user account site admin can go to Site Admin->Site Users page and then click on the Create User button.


Edit Existing User

User account details can be edited by site administrators (or the user him/her self). This can be done by searching the necessary user(s) from the Site Admin -> Site Users page. Use the search panel to search users.

Once the list of users is displayed, few things can be mass updated by selecting the checkboxes against each user and using the appropriate button at the bottom of the list. These are

  • Set the end date for the user. This is the date beyond which the user would not be able to login to the site.
  • Forcibly activate/deactivate user(s). This allows/prevents the user(s) to log in.

Certain parameters can however be edited only one user at a time. These are

  • First Name and Last Name
  • Email
  • Site Role
  • Password

Search/View Existing Users

Only site administrators are allowed to access the user list page. Any site administrator can use the menu item Site Admin -> Site Users to view the users list page.

Bulk Password Reset

From the user list you can select multiple users and reset their password with randomy generated ones. When you download the users as CSV the system generated password can be seen in the downloaded file. This is useful if you need to communicate the passwords to the users without having access to their emails. 

Sending Password Reset Link

To send the password link (via email) to a user, search for active users and select the particular user(s) and click on Send Password Reset Email.

(Re)Sending Welcome Email

To (re)send the welcome email, select the users from the list and click on Send Welcome Email

Activating inactive users

Only site administrators can activate inactive users. Select the Inactive user checkbox on the user list page to view inactive users (you can also do username search just like you do for active users). After inactive user list is displayed, you can select user(s) from the list and click Activate button to make them active again.


Deactivating Users

Users can be deactivated in more than one way. The process is discussed in detail in User Deactivation article.
