Test/Quiz Properties



Primary Information

Name Name of the test (Max size 75 characters)
Description Unlimited character size description
Duration Duration of the test in minutes in which test takers would be required to submit the test from the time they started
Number of Questions

Number of questions in the test

For adaptive tests where you would deliver less number of questions in each attempt of the test, you can specify MAX_Q custom property to override this value

Adaptive Test Indicates whether this test follows adaptive testing taking pattern or regular pattern.
Currently available only in regular EduBrite platform
Not available in Gilly (native test delivery, but you can use it inside a course).
All Questions mandatory For adaptive test, test is allowed to be completed only when all the questions have been attempted
Not available in Gilly. Planned for an upcoming release
Allow Forward Only Previously attempted questions cannot be reattempted by going back to them. No link would be available to go back. Only forward button would appear
Not available in Gilly. Planned for an upcoming release
Survey Consider this test as part of survey. There wont be any correct or incorrect choice but only choices
Not available in Gilly. Planned for an upcoming release
Auto Compute Objectives Objectives can be specified for each question as part of an adaptive test. This property allows the computation of the objectives when a test is submitted for evaluation

Scoring Options

Total points

Total points in the test that can be scored by a candidate

For adaptive tests where you would deliver less number of questions in each attempt of the test, you can specify MAX_P custom property to override this value

Passing points Points needed to pass the test, note that this field is only used when the test is used inside a Exam
Points per question Points for each question as default. The points can be overridden at section and then at question level
Penalty points per question Points which will be deducted for the wrong answers
Partial scoring for multiple choice questions By default Multiple Response (MR) questions do not provide any point for not selecting all correct choice. This option will enable partial scoring.
Partial scoring for column matching (ST/MT) questions By default ST/MT questions do not provide any point for not selecting all correct choice. This option will enable partial scoring.


Subject Subject which this test corresponds to, a test can correspond to multiple subjects
Exam Exam which this test corresponds to, a test can correspond to multiple exams
Region Region which this test corresponds to, a test can correspond to multiple regions
Complexity Complexity of the test as known to the test author
Skill Level Skill level of the target audience for the test

Test Taking/Viewing Details

Randomize Questions If selected, each test taker will see the questions in this test in a different ordering. This can be selected to give every candidate a different view of the test
Randomize Choices for questions

For SR and MR type of questions
For SR and MR type of questions, present each candidate with a different ordering of choices for any given question
Allow Pause If selected (by default selected), test takers will be able to pause the test while taking it. When they pause the test, the elapsed time clock is stopped at that instant and resumes when test taker resumes the test. Paused tests are visible in the My->Test History page
Single Choice Selection

For SR type of questions
If selected, the test will be presented with option buttons for each choice in the multiple choice questions in the test instead of check boxes, so only one choice can be selected for in response of every question
Allow Custom Duration Allows the test taker to reduce (never increase) the time available to him/her to complete the test. This is useful for a candidate to practice the test in a smaller duration of time
Not available in Gilly, iGoogle gadget. Planned for an upcoming release
Pagination Scheme If Test Section is selected, all the questions of a section are shown to the candidate in a single page. Moving from one page to next changes the section. Otherwise if Question Count is selected then the number of questions that are displayed on a single page depends upon the Questions per page property
Gilly and Google apps integration support only question count pagination
Questions per page By default, 10 questions are presented on every page, this field can be used to override this number to defined how many questions will appear on each page during the test view or taking test

 Note that this page size is different from page size which can be defined for test authoring, which controls how many questions will be shown in the test editor at one time
Preview Questions This option is for advanced use to sell the test via EduBrite test catalog to users while keeping the test private. When the test is private normally no question in the test can be viewed by non authorized user, but this option allows a selected list of questions from the test to be pre-viewable to all users. Comma separated question numbers can be specified for this property
Not available in Gilly, iGoogle gadget. Planned for an upcoming release
Hide stats EduBrite collects the statistics on every test takers attempts to questions in the test. These stats are available to test takers as hint during taking the test. If you want these stats to not be visible, select this option
Not available in Gilly, iGoogle gadget. Planned for an upcoming release
Disable comments This option can be selected to prevent comments posting on test by the users
Not available in Gilly, iGoogle gadget. Planned for an upcoming release
Disable solution contribution by users This option can be selected to prevent users (non author) to add solution for the test
Not available in Gilly, iGoogle gadget. Planned for an upcoming release
View Solution Inline Allow solution of each question to be viewed by the candidates while taking the test as well as after taking the test
Show Calculator Allows in built calculator widget to be accessible to the users while taking the test
Not available in Gilly, iGoogle gadget. Planned for an upcoming release
Show Question Index While taking a test, candidate get to see a question index panel allowing them to directly go to a specific question
Survey Comment

For survey type of test
Allow candidates to specify comments for every survey question
Not available in Gilly. Planned for an upcoming release
Hide tabs & Links This option can be selected to provide a plain user interface while taking the test which doesnt include top level tabs and menus
Not applicable in Gilly, iGoogle gadget
Test Section Display Format Each test can have multiple test sections. This property is used to define how the sections would be displayed on the test taking page
Link, Dropdown, Custom
Not available in Gilly, iGoogle gadget. Planned for an upcoming release
No Scrolling in Section Text This deals with a group of questions which follows a passage. This property allows scroll bar to not come in the passage during the test taking
Section Text auto collapse on subsequent pages Subsequent pages would have collapsed passage
Hide points during test taking Candidates do not see points associated with each question
Not available in Gilly. Planned for an upcoming release
Min points to non attempted questions

Adaptive test only
For adaptive type of questions, provide some minimum points to every question after a candidate has finished the test even if a question has not been attempted

Access Information

Test can be taken by Everyone in site - Every site user can see and take the test. This option is useful to make the test as one of the practice tests in the site
Members of selected Groups (Specify one or more groups) - Specified group members can then take this test anytime
Members of selected Groups (Don't specify any group) - This allows the test author/administrator to keep this test completely hidden. This test can then be used for conducting exams or providing assignments inside course sessions
Allow Take Test This property allows temporarily disabling take test privilege from all users
Owner Test can be owned by a user or a group. Only the test owner can edit the test. In case of tests which could be edited by multiple instructors in the group, select the test ownership to group

Test Sections

Specify sections in a test in the following format
SectionName=Start Question Number-End Question Number-Max Question in Section:Time in min:Max Elapsed Time from beginning

Specifying time is optional

Test Objectives

Allows a collection of objectives to be defined at the test level. Each question can then be assigned one or more objectives. Once a candidate appears in a test, the system reports the score against each objective

Objective Code=Objective Definition:Type:Minimum points:Maximum points


ASP.A=Act with a systemic perspective.Analyzes the situation with the team to identify next steps:NUMBER:2:8
ASP.B=Act with a systemic perspective.Builds a broad perspective from multiple sources of data:NUMBER:2:8
ASP.D=Act with a systemic perspective.Acts decisively even when complete information is not available:NUMBER:2:8
ASP.S=Act with a systemic perspective.Strives to identify root causes of problems:NUMBER:2:8
CLG.P=Collaborate Globally.Participates in internal and external groups (eg committees, boards, conferences) to actively grow one’s professional network:NUMBER:0:0


Used for creating custom definitions including custom messages as well as defining objectives for each question.

Definition Name=Definition value

MSG_TEST_COMPLETE=Your test is completed, but result for this test is not yet available, you will be notified when the results are ready

Test Result Options

Result Visibility

Note that these options are valid for the learner role only. An administrator would always be able to see the complete result
Complete visibility, including answers – Test takers can see the complete result including answers for each question immediately after competing the test
Display only test scores, but no answers – Test takers would only see the summary of the result including test scores, no question level detail would be shown
Show test and question scores – Test takers would see only test level as well as individual question level scores. However no answer would be shown
Instant feedback, with all answers – Answers would be shown after the attempt of each question
Not Visible – Absolutely no result would be shown to the test taker.

