Add Quiz/Survey in Confluence Page using EduBrite Quiz Macro

Quiz macro allows you to embed a test or survey from EduBrite LMS microsite (that you created) into your confluence pages. The embedded test or survey can be embedded directly in the page using macro, even without adding them to a course or scheduling them as exam.

First Step

Create a test or survey in microsite, and authorize it to all site users (from the Authorization tab). Publish it. (If you like to restrict the test or survey to certain groups then authorize the test to those groups instead of making it for all users)

Step 2

Open a test or survey in editor (in microsite) and expand the embed tag at the bottom of the page. Copy the embed url

Step 3

Edit a page in confluence, and add Other Macro

Select EduBrite Quiz Player macro from the External Content category

Step 4

In the macro dialog, paste the embed url in the url field. Click refresh icon to check the preview panel, it should show the take test / survey view. Then click on Insert button & Save the page to check the final look of the embedded quiz in the page.

Final view of embedded quiz

Macro will render the quiz in a transparent iframe. The size of iframe will automatically adjust to avoid any scrollbars. Since these quiz/survey are added without any context of a course or exam, so they can be taken any number of times by reloading the page once an attempt is complete. If you start but don't finish an attempt, then next time when you start same quiz, the existing unfinished attempt will be resumed. At present quiz macro can only load the quiz / survey for authenticated users.

