Forum/Comments Re-editing

Settings to control forum/comment re-editing permission

Site security setting 'Enable Re-editing forum' can be turned on to enable re-editing user's forum post/reply and comments (course/Open Learning/Group resources). 

If setting is enabled, site admin can open any post and a re-edit option will be available to edit any post and reply. Re-edit option will be available for user's comment on Open Learning (lesson comment), Course comment and group resource's comment.

Group Forum

Group Admin permission for re-editing posts/reply

Site admins can enable re-editing option for group admins, If group admins reediting permission is enabled, group admins will be able to re-edit forum post/reply created in their group's forum.

Re-editing self post/reply (Group members)

At group level an option is available to allow users to re-edit their post and reply within a configured time window (Default time window is 2 hours). If option is enabled, group members will be provided a reedit option for their self posts and they can re-edit their posts.

Re-editing duration time can be configured using following custom property in site customization tab.


Course Session Forum

Course session Instructors

If site level re-edit security setting is enabled, course session's instructors can re-edit posts created in their course session. 

Re-editing self post/reply (course session members)

A course session level setting can be enabled to allow course session members to re-edit their posts and reply within a configured time window.

Re-editing Post/Reply 

If re-editing permissions are enabled, A user who can reedit a post will find a 'Re-edit topic' button in post details and click that button to open the post for editing and then publish the post. (Please note reediting will not change posted by name or time stamp).

For  re-editing a reply will find a small down arrow icon, clinking that will show 'Re-edit' option and click that button to open the reply for editing and then publish (Please note reediting will not change replied by name or time stamp).


Re-editing Comments 

Site Admins

If site level re-edit security setting is enabled, site admins can re-edit comments posted for courses/Lessons (Open learning)/Group resources. 

Re-editing self comments (posted by learners)

Site security setting 'Allow learners to reedit comments' can be enabled to allow learners to reedit their comments. This setting is applicable only if re-edit forum settings is enabled that allows admins to re-edit comments/forum posts. 

Site admins can re-edit a comment and a delete option is also available to delete the comment. Learners only get 're-edit' option for editing their comment.


