OL Lesson tracking in a course session

A lesson is the smallest unit in a course, a lesson can be presented to learner in two ways, as a open Learning item or a course session item. 

There could be scenarios when a lesson is available in open learning and same lesson (linked lesson) is part of a course session. If a user is enrolled in a course session and it has a lesson that's available in OL also. In this scenario user can access that lesson as part of OL and user's lesson progress/completion will be tracked for course session. If user completed full lesson in OL that lesson will be marked as completed in course session's progress. 


  • Course 'OL Video Lessons' is setup for OL content. 

Course is set as 'pre-viewable by all site users' and lessons are set as pre-viewable. lessons are listed in OL list. 

  • Course 'Sales Training Course' is setup for formal learning and a course session is created for this course. 

One of the lesson in 'Sales Training Course' is linked from ''OL Video Lessons'. 

  • A user is enrolled in course session ' Sales training course'. User can access 'Sales strategies' lesson by launching course session or by accessing it through Open Learning.  
  • When user access it through OL, lesson peogress is tracked in user's enrolled course session ' Sales training course'. As lesson progress is tracked even if user accessed it thru OL, user is not required in complete this lesson again as part of course session.

