Salesforce Data Integration

Continuation of Salesforce Integration. (Creating custom objects and reports)

The following diagram depicts how the data integration & exchange is set up between EB and SF.

The first step is to set up keys and URL for authentication. The second is one-step initialization of the SF from LMS site setups all the components needed for Integration.

Once that's done then ongoing sync of data between EB and SF can be set up as a batch process running on EB.


Detailed steps needed to setup 

1) Set up credentials on EB


i. Go to your salesforce account and click on your profile name

ii. Click on My Settings.

iii. In Personal Settings click on Reset my security token.

iv. Security token would be mailed on your address. Mark this token string in user property   SALESFORCE_USER_SECRET_TOKEN (see step # 5 below)

v. Add below user properties to Custom user properties.

Site Admin -> Custom Properties -> User Properties (add following properties)




Note: Once created these will be available to be viewed/updated in  Profile -> Edit -> Go to Personal tab

vi. Enable Velocity at Site Admin -> Site Details -> Customization . Add following property 


vii. Add new placements for enabling SF button for site admin.

Site Admin -> Placements -> V2 Navigation

Add following snippet

#if ($UIContext.isAdminOrSiteAdmin() )
<ul class="customMenu">
  <li><href="/oltpublish/site/" target="_parent"<class="fa fa-cog"></i<spanclass="menu-item-parent">Saleforce Initialization</span></a></li


Save and Publish the microsite.


2. Initial key setup and microsite configuration is done. We will see something like the below on left hand menu for Site Admin. Click on Salesforce Initialization. This will set up the initial configuration including the creation of custom objects and other components on SF.



3. Ongoing sync will take care of syncing the related properties between EB and SF.



Following are in detail screen-shot of components and reports on SF post integration 

With initial setup, Custom Object gets created as shown below. This is used for syncing all the course/course session learner's data on the SF platform.

Make note of relation with Contact as highlighted below.


  • Frequently run batch job can sync now data between LMS and SF.

Reports about course progress report can be viewed as below.


List view of the report


Learners Reports

List view











