Paypal Direct Pay

If you have a paypal pro merchant account, you can make the payment process simple for your learners. They can buy the courses from the catalog page on your microsite by directly providing credit/debit card details.

Payment Integration setup :

To enable PayPal Direct Pay. Open the Site Admin->Site Details->Payment Integration Details, and enable Paypal payment provider. Then choose Paypal from the drop down and enter the parameters as explained below.

Business Id and PDT(Payment Data Transfer) Id are not required for direct pay.

To collect paypal account details : Login to your paypal merchant account, Go to  My Profile,->My selling tools-> Click on API access  and then choose Option 2

 click on View APISignature :

From this screen copy the api username, api password and api signature and set them in your microsite - Payment Integration Details - API Username, API Password and API Signature parameters respectively. 

Enter Paypal API Url -


Payment page :  Your payment page will look like -



Note that, by creating user custom properties you can capture the address details from learners while they signup on your microsite. These custom properties are auto filled on the payment page (if any value is found in the user's account).

