Email Scripting Examples

Velocity scripting can be used inside email templates. The email variables object is available as $vars and provides access to all the contextual variables for that specific email.

Example 1 :

An example is shown below which is for program access end reminder. A program may have upto 5 end reminders (specified as comma separated days in the program settings). Note the embedded velocity scripting lines.

<template subject="Reminder __REMINDER_INDEX__ : __PROGRAM__" type="PROGRAM_SESSION_ACCESS_END">
      <title><![CDATA[Program access ending reminder __REMINDER_INDEX__]]></title>
        <![CDATA[Dear __FNAME__,
#if ($vars.getReminderIndex() == '1')
        <p>Your access to the program <a href="__URL__" target="_blank">__PROGRAM__</a> is ending on __END_DATE__.
#elseif ($vars.getReminderIndex() == '2')
        <p>Your access to the program <a href="__URL__" target="_blank">__PROGRAM__</a> is ending on __END_DATE__.
#elseif ($vars.getReminderIndex() == '3')
        <p>Your access to the program <a href="__URL__" target="_blank">__PROGRAM__</a> is ending on __END_DATE__.

Standard Objects available in the Velocity Context

Variable Description
vars Email variables object that contains the information about the specific email message
DateFormatter Helper class to format dates
Utility Helper class with common utility functions
StringUtils Helper class with common string functions
STRING Static string object to help call string methods from velocity


Example 2: Using token based direct login url in course subscription notification

To do this, override the course subscribed email template and then use the predefined variable __URL2__ instead of __URL__.


Example 3:   Adding user's properties in Course completion email notification sent to Instructor -

To do this, override the course completion email template. In that all user properties default as well as all custom properties can be accessed.

Default user properties variables -  Student name  __SENDER__         Student Email  __STUDENT_EMAIL__

Custom properties variable can be created as __up_PropertyName__   [ Change highlighted value with the user property name that is used when created the property]

Setting some variable in email template

$vars.put('DONT_SEND', true) Don't send email, Can you used to for not sending email in for specific case.
$vars.put('DONT_ICAL', true);  Don't include ical
$vars.addBcc("") For including BCC emailid. 


