Groups Tagging and Usages

There are cases when you want to use a specific type of groups for a specific usage like sending emails to a specific type of group's admins only or in downloaded reports showing only specific type of groups not user's all leaf groups.

Using a group's custom property group tagging can be achieved and these tagged groups can be used in specific usages. 

Groups Tagging

1. Create a custom property for group and add possible values for that property. 

2. Set this property name and value in Site Admin -> Security Tab

3.  Set Group Type value in groups

Tagged Groups Usage 

Groups in downloaded reports

If 'Download Group Names for Reports' is enabled, in downloaded report groups column appears that shows user's leaf level group names. 

If we want to show only tagged groups in downloaded report, we can enable 'Show only user's Org groups in downloaded reports' option. 


Email Notifications to Group admins 

In course session setting we can enable notification option to send instructor notifications to group admins.

From email settings we can enable option to send notification to Org group's admin only (tagged group's admins)


