Rule Variables in Adaptive Tests

Following are the list of variables which get populated at runtime after every question attempt by a test taker. These variables can be used as part of test scripts developed by the test author in order to make the test taking experience as dynamic as possible.


Short Name



Total values for all the attempted questions as of now

TS TOTAL_SCORE Total score acheived as of last attempted question Float
TCA TOTAL_CORRECT_ANSWERS Total correct answers as of last attempted question Integer
TIA TOTAL_INCORRECT_ANSWERS Total incorrect answers as of last attempted question Integer
TT TOTAL_TIME Total time consumed by the test taker as of last attempted question Long
TATT TOTAL_ATTEMPTED Total number of questions that have been attempted as of last attempted question Integer
ELTM TEST_ELAPSED_TIME Total elapsed time as of last attempted question Integer
OBJ TEST_OBJECTIVES List of all the test objectives in the form of name-value pair Map

Values related to the current section

TATTS TOTAL_ATTEMPTED_IN_SECTION Total number of questions that have been attempted in the current section as of last attempted question Integer
SELTM SECTION_ELAPSED_TIME Elapsed time in the current section Integer
STM SECTION_TIMEOUT Whether the current section has timed out or not Boolean
SCB SECTION_BEGIN Sequence number of the first question in the current section Integer
SCE SECTION_END Sequence number of the last question in the current section Integer
SMQ SECTION_MAXQ Maximum number of questions that would be attempted in the current section, -1 if no limit has been put Integer
SDUR SECTION_DUR Total duration of the current section, -1 if no limit has been put Integer
STIL SECTION_ALLOWED_TILL Allowed duration of the current section, if 0 then follow SDUR Integer

Values for the last attempted question only

LS LAST_SCORE Score obtained in the last attempted question Double
LAC LAST_ANSWER_CORRECT Whether the last attempted question is correct Boolean
LAPC LAST_ANSWER_PART_CORRECT Whether the last attempted question is partially correct Boolean
LT LAST_TIME Time consumed in the last attempted question Long
LQN LAST_QNO Sequence number of the last attempted question Integer
LES LAST_EFF_SEQ Effective sequence number of the last attempted question Integer
LQA LAST_QUESTION_ATTEMPTED Whether the last question is attempted or not Boolean
LQM QUESTION_METADATA Metadata of the last attempted question in the form of name-value pair Map

Values related to the test

TQN TOTAL_QNO Total number of questions in the test Integer
UI_PROP TEST_UI_PROP List of all the ui properties for the test in the form of name-value pair Map
TM TEST_METADATA Metadata of the test in the form of name-value pair Map
OBJ_TYPE TEST_OBJECTIVE_TYPE Type(Number/String etc) corresponding to each objective in the form of name-value pair Map
OBJ_MIN TEST_OBJECTIVE_MIN Minimum value for a given objective in the form of name-value pair Map
OBJ_MAX TEST_OBJECTIVE_MAX Maximum value for a given objective in the form of name-value pair Map

Values related to the next question that would be attempted

NRQS NEXT_RANDOM_QUESTION_SEQ Sequence number of the next random question that would be attempted Integer
NRQCSS NEXT_RANDOM_QUESTION_CURR_SEC_SEQ Sequence number in the current section of the next random question that would be attempted Integer
